Release (9 Mar 2016) -------------------------- 1) Performed cosmetic-rebranding to Keysight standard 2) Rebranded the LXI Web browser interface to Keysight 3) Rebranded the installer to Keysight 4) Changed the report file in such the screenshot image is now in color 5) Fixed the flat noise floor issue at specific power level 6) Obsoleted the old marker form and build a new one in place 7) Changed the Multipulse histogram bin maximum count to 500 8) Added a new feature to turn off "REMOTE" button permanently Fixed issues: 1) Programming error on MEASure command in which the minimum and maximum values for pulse duration level are not fixed to 0% and 100% respectively 2) Marker issue when setting the time scale to nano second 3) Tapping the pin many times can cause the crash happen 4) Text is clipped on GUI front panel 5) PPA crashes after opening the "saved report" with the switch of CCDF mode Known isses: 1) With the new rebranded image, the ‘TOUCH’ button is now unusable 2) There is no command to turn off the channel source respectively without disabling droop measurement mode all together 3) PPA application crashes after several attempts of running the CALibration commands Release (Sep 2015) -------------------------- Enhancements/Fixed issues: 1) Sending 'MEASure:HISTogram 1' repeatedly will result in duplicated measurements in histogram pop up window. 2) Unexpected Trigger Holdoff error after Autoscaling. 3) Modify OCS SCPI. 4) Unable to create limit for UDF when Delta Tolerance Type is Source Unit. 5) FUNC2:VDC WMEM2 returns "Data out of range" error. 6) Wrong display unit for Y-scale of PAE function before trace is on. 7) Inseparable markers when at least 1 marker is on a math waveform. 8) Trace reference is not updated when load back the saved setup file issue. 9) Save and Load issue where the settings are failed to save to PPA.xml. 10)Save and restore PAE3 current probe constant to PPA.xml. Release (14 Jan 2015) --------------------------------- Added new features: 1) Mask testing. 2) Measurement tracking. 3) Allow user to see trace during HRES mode. 4) Histogram display for measurements. 5) Added remote to lock the front panel when remote access is in session. 6) Droop measurement for both RF channels. 7) Implement Pulse Power (Average power/duty cycle) in %. 8) Add two new FUNCtions, FUNC3 and FUNC4. 9) Save and load CCDF traces. Enhancements/Fixed issues: 1) Cosmetic defects on soft keyboard arrow keys 2) MULTIPULse SAVE MEASurement SCPI works but returns mysterious error 3) Inconsistency in remote settings of Acquisition Setup 4) PCHIP trace missing 5 points when queried 5) Changes to PCHIP resolution via UI does not seem to be registered by SCPI 6) XINC does not reflect the PCHIP resolution 7) SINGle command has to be sent twice before XINC is updated 8) There a 18ns shift when PCHIP is turned on 9) Previous trace showing up during SINGle trigger when ETS is ON and time scale is 10us/div 10) High resolution trace is distorted when time scale is above 500us/div 11) Other fixes. Release (30 August 2013) -------------------------------- Added new features: 1) Multi-pulse capture and analysis - Up to 512 frames - Easy measurement pulse to pulse comparison tool - Histogram for distribution viewing - Licensed Option with 30 day trial 2) Enhanced waveform math functions 3) New X vs Y Plot, viewing in between channels/waveform math operations 4) Pulse width triggering 5) SCPI support for Marker Search Fixed issues: 1) Trace become weird when pulse is small and timescale is large 2) Marker placement not being at the threshold value % set previously 3) Restore Saved Setup does not remember Run\Pause state 4) Default Preset does not clear selected FDO Table 5) Droop measurement settings not saved/restored in Save Current Setup / Restore Saved Setup 6) Error which require PPA application to abort when placing both markers on function trace 7) Wrong maximum limit for Zoom mode when scale is not in multiples of 1,2, and 5 8) Wrong measurment units for Peak and Average power in CCDF 9) Other fixes Known issues: 1) PPA soft-keyboard contains corrupted key symbol for the 4 arrow buttons. 2) LXI Lan interface may be broken after performing a direct upgrade from previous CDF based version. Recommended to do a complete uninstall of the older version before performing the upgrade 3) Sampling rate at certain high time-base settings has been degraded due to firmware design change. Will revert to the original sampling rate in the next FW release. Release (14 December 2012) ---------------------------------- - Added time information on the x-axis, able to hide the side and bottom panels - Markers enhancement (XY flexible movement, independent triggering, X search, Y search) - Improve Averaging speed improvement by 50% - User selectable ETS threshold (to measure 802.11ac burst signals) - Advanced waveform math (Include Power Added Efficiency math function) - Added logging feature - Added limit test features - Report generator - Measurement toggle (zoom/main) in Zoom mode (able to measure in both main and zoom window) - Enable pulse spacing inter-channels (select any 2 of the 4 channels) - Added User defined time compensation (offset) feature for Channel 1, 2, 3, 4 - CCDF graph to display lines and dots - Set CCDF duration based on trace length from Main graph when switching to CCDF mode. - Trace split screen and others - Fixed other minor FW/SW issues Release (25 April 2012) ------------------------------- - Enhanced marker knob to improve knob sensitivity. - Fixed sensor hotplug issue during stop mode. - Improve time resolution for 14 points time measurement - Enabled Close and Minimize button when PPA is launched. - Allowed clear ETS when ETS is enabled whenever there is a change in the channel settings. - Fixed and refined marker knob sensitivity in Zoom mode. - Upgraded Peak Power Analyzer Help file to version 2.0. - Added 14 points measurement at top menu - Solved the Save/Restore Setup function not working properly when in CCDF mode - Improve the acquisition speed when averaging is applied - ETS speed up. Fixed some isues with ETS filling up the bins. - Fixed issue of zoom trace not working in ETS mode. - Fixed Trigger holdoff in ETS. - Fixed auto scale in ETS mode by setting ETS to off before the auto scale and set it back to auto after auto scale. - Fixed other minor FW/SW issues Release (15 July 2011) ------------------------------ Initial release.